Monitoring zebrafish is one of the ways we have been able to better understand the circuitry of the human mind.

Transparent or near-transparent at several stages of their life cycle, zebrafish are perfect for neural observation, given they exhibit determined behaviours and complex thought from a young age.

Across the topic of sensory network development, our researchers are also interested in how natural responses such as fear can be challenged to improve the life of people with anxiety or other similar conditions.

Further advances could come as a result of numerous lines of current inquiry, such as synthesising new proteins, identifying sensitive points in life when experiences shape cognitive development, and better understanding electrophysiology, neuroscience, genetics and molecular change.

Explore our groups

Synaptic plasticity
The Sah Group uses electrophysiology and molecular techniques, in conjunction with behavioural studies, to understand the neural circuitry that underpins learning and memory formation.
Neural circuits and behaviour
The Scott Group aims to understand how sensory stimuli are perceived and processed in the brain, and how the brain then interprets these stimuli to produce adaptive behaviours.
Cognitive neuriepigenetics
Research in the Bredy laboratory is elucidating how the genome is connected to the environment through epigenetic modifications, and how this relationship shapes behaviour throughout life.
Imaging genomics
The Wright laboratory's research is at the interface of cognitive neuroscience and genetics. We focuse on the neurobiological causes and modifiers of brain function, and especially brain disorders.
Neural migration
Explores the fundamental cellular and molecular mechanisms governing the development of the neocortex.