We bet you find yourself doing what researchers in this field are interested in studying – even without giving it a second thought.

Social cognition involves interactions we often take for granted such as reading other people’s emotions or interpreting different movements and gazes with their eyes.

In particular, researchers in this area are interested in how our ability to recognise social cues changes as we age normally or experience periods of illness.

Furthermore, how does the way we compile our memories and foresee future incidents change throughout our lives?

Elsewhere within this field, researchers are investigating the concept of frailty, how it manifests physically and mentally, and what the outcomes are.

Specifically, frailty is analysed in conjunction with factors such as obesity, smoking, socioeconomic status and exercise.

Explore our groups

The Vukovic Group Investigates how brain function is sculpted and influenced by the immune system.

Meet some of our researchers

Professor Julie Henry
Henry leads a group that particularly focuses on how social cognition and prospection are disrupted by normal adult ageing and clinical illness.
Professor Ruth Hubbard
Consultant Geriatrician at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and in October 2020 was appointed as the Masonic Chair of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Queensland.