Indigenous health

UQ has a clear strategic direction to be a leader in Indigenous Health across all facets – research advances, advocacy, career pathways, and welcoming more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into academia.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is an area where a significant difference can be made at community, state and federal levels.

We can make a difference in not only primary indicators such as life expectancy or rates of chronic disease, but also to the levels of respect, understanding and harmony within the broader community.

UQ is committed to a dozen wide-ranging facets of Indigenous health, as diverse as improving access to healthy food and water, to maternal health, improving Indigenous leadership and even supporting emerging athletes.

Together we have the power to change lives for the better.

UQ Yarns

UQ Yarns

Hosted by the Faculty of Medicine’s Associate Dean (Indigenous Engagement), Maree Toombs, UQ Yarns is a podcast that highlights the amazing work of Individuals dedicated to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.

Listen now